
2024-05-19 07:10

1. 萨马兰奇英文简介

Juan Antonio Samaranch Torelló, 1st Marquess of Samaranch (17 July 1920 – 21 April 2010) was a Spanish sports official who served as the seventh President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from 1980 to 2001. Early life Samaranch was born into a wealthy family in Barcelona. As a child, he was a keen roller hockey player. During the Spanish Civil War, he was conscripted into the Republican forces in 1938, at the age of 18, to serve as a medical orderly. However, he was politically opposed to the Republic, and escaped to France. He quickly returned to Nationalist Spain under Francisco Franco and enrolled in the Spanish fascist movement Falange.Business and political career After the defeat of the Republic in 1939, Samaranch studied commerce at IESE Business School in Barcelona. He had a short career as a sports journalist for La Prensa, which ended in his dismissal in 1943 for criticizing the supporters of Real Madrid C.F. after that club's 11–1 defeat of FC Barcelona, and then joined his family's textile business. He joined the board of La Caixa, Spain's largest savings bank, in 1984, and served as President of the board from 1987 to 1999. He remained as honorary president from his retirement in 1999 to his death.Samaranch served on the municipal government of Barcelona, with responsibility for sports, from 1955 to 1962. He was a procurador (member of the lower house) of the Cortes Espa�0�9olas during the last decade of the Franco regime, from 1967 until the restoration of democracy in 1977. From 1967 to 1971, he also served as "national delegate" (minister) for sports, and from 1973 to 1977 he was the president of the diputación (governing council) of the Province of Barcelona. He was appointed Spanish ambassador to the Soviet Union and Mongolia in 1977, immediately after the restoration of diplomatic relations between the countries: this post helped him to gain the support of the Soviet bloc countries in the election to the presidency of the IOC, held in Moscow in 1980.He had been the chef de mission of the Spanish team at a number of Olympic events, before he was appointed Government Secretary for Sports by Spanish Head of State Francisco Franco in 1967. He also became the president of the Spanish National Olympic Committee and a member of the IOC. He was vice-president of the IOC from 1974 to 1978. IOC Presidency Samaranch was elected President of the IOC at the 83rd IOC Session, held in Moscow prior to the 1980 Summer Olympics – between 15 July and 18 July 1980.During his term, Samaranch made the Olympic Games financially healthy, with big television deals and sponsorships. Although the 1984 Summer Olympics were still boycotted by the Soviet bloc, the number of IOC participating member nations increased at every Games during Samaranch's presidency. Samaranch also wanted the best athletes to compete in the Olympics, which led to the gradual acceptance of professional athletes.One achievement of Samaranch was the financial rescue of the IOC, which was in financial crisis in the 1970s. The games themselves were such a burden on host cities that it appeared that no host would be found for future Olympiads. Under Samaranch, the IOC revamped its sponsorship arrangements (choosing to go with global sponsors rather than allowing each national federation to take local ones), and new broadcasting deals, commercialising the Olympics and making them more economically viable.It became a tradition for Samaranch, when giving the President's address at the close of each Summer Olympics, to praise the organizers at each Olympiad for putting on "the best ever" Games. He withheld this phrase only once, at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta where the organization had come under heavy criticism.In 2001, Samaranch did not apply for the presidency again. He was succeeded by Jacques Rogge. He then became Honorary President for Life of the International Olympic Committee. Samaranch served the second longest term as the head of the IOC, 21 years, the longest being that of Pierre de Coubertin (29 years). Following his retirement, Samaranch played a major role in Madrid's bid for the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, though both were unsuccessful. In 1991 he was given the title of Marqués de Samaranch by King Juan Carlos of Spain in recognition of his contribution to the Olympic movement.Criticism Samaranch was criticised for several scandals and instances of corruption that occurred within the IOC during his tenure as president. In the aftermath of a bribery scandal surrounding the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, an inquiry held in camera expelled several IOC members, but cleared Samaranch of wrongdoing. Samaranch set up a commission to investigate the corruption and introduced reform of the bid process as a result of the scandal.Family Samaranch married Maria Teresa Salisachs Rowe, known as "Bibí" (26 December 1931 – 16 September 2000), on 1 December 1955. She died in Spain while he was attending the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Two children were born of this marriage; his son, Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs, has been a member of the International Olympic Committee since 2001, while his daughter, Maria Teresa Samaranch Salisachs, has been president of the Spanish Federation of Sports on Ice since 2005.Death Samaranch died of cardio-respiratory failure in the Hospital Quirón in Barcelona on 21 April 2010, having suffered ill health for several years prior to his death.As a recipient of the Gold Medal of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Samaranch was laid in state in the Palau de la Generalitat. His funeral mass was in the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia, on 22 April 2010 and was attended by representatives of the Spanish royal family and of the Olympic movement.希望帮到你咯~


2. 萨马兰奇的英文怎么写?

(juan antonio samaranch toriello)

3. “萨马兰奇”这个人名用英语咋说?

胡安.安东尼奥.萨马兰奇(Juan Antonio Samaranch)


4. 萨马兰奇当时说这句话的英文原句是怎样的?

Mr sa had ever said: in my entire life, i have won many titles and honors. among them, the most precious one for me is best friend of Chinese people.

5. 萨马兰奇的英语怎么读?

萨马兰奇(1920~ )
Samaranch,Juan Antonio 

   国际奥林匹克委员会第七任主席。西班牙巴 塞 罗那人。毕业于巴塞罗那的高级商务研究院,曾在巴塞罗那市政府担任 过体育官员 ,议 会 议长 。1977 年任西班牙驻苏 联大使。1966年当选为国际奥委会委员 , 1967~1971 年任西班牙奥林匹克委员会主席 。1968~1975 年及1979 年以后任国际奥委会礼仪委员会主席;1970 ~1978 年及1979 年以后当选为国际奥委会执委会委员 ;1974 ~1978 年任国际奥委会副主席。1980年7月 , 在莫斯科奥运会期间举行的国际奥委会第八十三届全体会议上,萨马兰奇当选为国际奥委会主席,接任已退休的M.M.基拉宁。


6. 萨马兰奇英文怎么读?


7. 萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马

[萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马]萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马兰奇的作文关于萨马兰奇的作文点击进入查看全文2010虎年运势测算,走好运,发大财!幸运随你行!文/张书乐素材萨马兰奇据业界同伴通英语素材报过去的最新新闻炫夸,向来眼错落的《七龙珠OL》在作文素材华代理权之争行将落下帷幕,研祥高科技控股团体将粉碎网素材英语游大佬宏大辽阔、久游,为手握七龙有关萨马作文"萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马"珠的代理商,萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马。而更为令惊异的是,正本传言代理费用高达300素材有关0万美金,而极有可以或许以超廉价为研祥所取得。英语萨马兰奇研祥高科技控股团体在网游圈可谓新丁,立萨马兰奇作文素材于1993年的研祥,是中国最大的特种计算机咨询、建立、制马兰作文素材造、贩卖和编制整合于一体的高科技企业。但这个貌似和网萨马兰奇有关萨马游八竿子打不着的公司,为何异军突起,和《七龙珠O作文有关萨马L》爆发相干呢?马兰素材br据笔者愚见马兰作文,这和当年暴雪将兽给九城,而罢休宏大辽阔有关萨马兰奇的理由接近,宏大辽阔手握太多游戏,非常英语马兰是26的ALLSTAR盛典上还同步发放了八个不同门类的素材马兰游戏,其再代理一个七龙珠,会投马兰有关入若干好多精神和资源,确切是作文素材马兰个未知数,久游的境况也与之相髣?作文素材作文。而本之研平和曩昔之九城近似,在网游圈都还稚嫩,但也都雄心有关萨马萨马兰奇壮志,这恰恰是运营网游所作文素材萨马兰奇萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马殷切必要的,而且韩国Ntl-inc公司对其建立的《七龙珠OL》有关英语有着极端激烈的市场,盘算在中国市场上,重新再现韩国网游作文英语在曩昔的光彩,同时也盘算作文有关能够和代理方更好的配合,作文素材《萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马》。而在这种考量下,选取一个财大萨马兰奇英语气的老牌游戏公司,外表上看运营履历富厚,有较强的市场素材作文素材呼吁力,但却难以有用地举办沟通配合,老牌公司萨马兰奇马兰多一个游戏不多,少一个游英语作文戏不少,仅此而已。反之,作文作文素材纵然研祥是新丁,在市场影有关萨马英语响力上呼吁力不强,但却能够为了和建立商精诚配合,合伙勤萨马兰奇有关奋开拓市场。而更为关键的是,韩国Ntl-inc公司具体可以不作文素材有关萨马寄托老牌企业的市场呼吁力,由于就靠《七龙珠》这个招牌,英语有关就有数以千万计的中国粉丝为萨马兰奇素材之倾倒。35岁以下的群,大多在20年前,就仍然被鸟山明教师的漫画马兰英语所顺服,而这个异样出自鸟山明教师监制的这款游戏,处处作文马兰满盈了鸟山明的气概,而让这些萨马兰奇作文龙珠迷们,在游戏研发阶段就予以了高度注重,乃至前作文素材有关不久该游戏在韩国公测之时,有数中国粉丝就仍然突破说话阻碍作文素材素材,"远赴"韩国起头探求龙珠之旅了,国有关萨马有关萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马际各大游戏门户站点乃至还推出了"去"韩国玩龙珠的注意攻略。今朝所有关有关萨马必要的就是一个符合的代理商,不那么托大,不那么分袂精神,马兰有关萨马但又有壮健实力的公司,研祥的矛头毕露,其实也就不是什么怪僻英语有关萨马事了。而低代理费计划,也不出预见,由于代理费并不有关萨马作文素材是关键,关键是本分红,只须用户足够多,Ntl-inc哪怕不要有关萨马素材代理费,也可以或许立一个兽古迹来。假使从这个角度意会作文萨马兰奇,代理费只不过是一个标志意义上的签约保证金完了。当然,一切没有尘埃落地之前,我们还不能妄下断言,但这似乎预示着,不论谁代理,我们终归可以和龙珠见面了。文章宣布于未分类.订阅本条RSS及时了解评论静态.如果你感兴趣下面了解更多瓷都免费起名馆萨马兰奇英文介绍dhc男士清透防晒乳周易预测学下载简介文章来源地址:  〔萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马〕【征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。】


8. 萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语关于萨

[萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语关于萨]萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语关于萨马兰奇的作文点击进入查看全文2010虎年运势测算,走好运,发大财!看样子魅族真的快要得胜了,对付魅族迷来说,这个技术太悠久了,能够在他们心中2年的守候比八年抗战来的还要坚苦.从IPHONE诞生的第一天开首,了保守手机键盘限度反动的第一部多媒体手机的展现,们无不感伤.有数国心想,若是中国也能做出如此精巧的手机该有多美.话声刚落,一个在国际MP3界一直指挥低音质品牌化企业的魅族决然放出豪言,我们也能做出这样的手机,并且能够比苹果作的更好.两年间,质疑的声响一直没有偃旗息鼓,有数次跳票也一次又一次侵害了深魅族的心,但是有数次质疑从没让J.WONG遗弃过,在顶住魅族持续两年未能推出任何一款新MP3,把险些魅族这个在国外MP3行业着名度远高于国际着名度的民族企业的一起资金全部注入M8研制经过中的老总J.WONG后,魅族终归08年底看到了胜利的曙光,内测员的初步肯定,内测手机的发放,内测手机试用视频的揭橥,好动静一个接着一个,一记又一记抽打着对这个民族企业没有任何善意的嘴脸,振奋着一个又一个深魅族的心.魅族顿时就要得胜了,让我们看看魅族发现了什么吧:1.倘若年内揭橥,魅族将为全世界收款正式揭橥的别离率抵达恐惧的3.4英寸720x480别离率屏幕的手机(相当于大凡家用DVD别离率).2.和苹果IPONE一样的垂直感应系统,光感应体例,多点触摸屏幕体例,WIFI局域网效,3G效以及蓝牙红外等无线传输效.3.苹果IPONE望尘莫及的全格式视频播放体例,从网高低载的RMVB IWMV FLV ASF等各式视频无需紧缩,在间接能够在M8上任意播放.4.高达633MHZ的主CPU,以及独立视频音频解码体例,在一个手机里能告终CPU,显卡,声卡独立硬件嵌入,忖度全世界没有第二加,何况M8有着恐惧的比一台586电脑还要高的主频CPU 5.3G效,最低8G的闪存空间,WINCE代码关闭体例.6.2500元之内的价值,这个让大多半中国都能够承担的超价比.满堂参数:基础效『时钟』『内置振动』『可选铃声』『和弦铃声』『MP3铃声』『来电铃声区别』『形形式』『动画屏保』『待机图片』『图形菜单』『主题形式』『文件管理器』『触摸屏』『手写输入』通讯效『内置天线』『输入』『中文短信』『短信群发』『EMS短信』『多媒体短信』『话机通讯录』『通讯录群组』『通话记实』『免提通话』多媒体文娱『内置游戏』『TV-Out电视输入』『实时流媒体播放』『MP3播放器』『电子书』内存容量:128MB Java扩展:Java MIDP 2.0摄像头:内置摄像头像素:300万像素传感器类型:CMOS变焦形式:数码变焦视频播放:支撑720*480 30桢/S H263/264 MPEG2 MPEG4 WMV等支流视频格式,包括rm、rmvb格式数据传输『WAP阅读器』『WWW阅读器』『蓝牙接口』『数据线接口』『WIFI』办公行使『PDF文件阅读』私助理『闹钟』『历』『计算器』『记事本』『备忘录』『程表』『世界时钟』『单位换算』『货币换算』电子地图:GPS导航(必要硬件扩展及下载地图支撑,萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语关于萨,作文素材《萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语关于萨》。绝大局部的WM及PPC的第三方软件都能够在Wince体例的miniOne上运转。WM6.0都已经预制了GPS步调,必要第三方的地图更多信息方向及加应器:能感应手持形态主动调动屏幕显示方向有4GB、8GB、16GB三个版本支撑DMB数字电视PHOTOS:魅族路线是坚苦的,但是魅族的得胜是它应得的,试想在中国这样一个深谋远虑社会的大背景下,有哪个企业能够作到像魅族一样,埋头苦干2年,面对质疑仍然不为所动,倾其全部就为复兴国产手机行业的元气?心灵吗?对我而言,魅族就像神七上天,中国航母兴工,国产干线客机出厂一样,是民族的奇异,而惟有一个又一个这样民族的奇异,我们的国度本事永立世界民族之林!完于2008.10.5 19:20阅读本文的人还阅读星座血型配对邓亚萍的资料睡眠不足会导致什么免费的生辰八字取名90后丰满诱人美胸文章来源地址:  〔萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语关于萨〕【征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。】