帮忙找一篇与财务危机预警系统《Early Warning System for Financial Crisis》相关的外文文献??

2024-05-16 14:21

1. 帮忙找一篇与财务危机预警系统《Early Warning System for Financial Crisis》相关的外文文献??

An early warning system for financial crisis using a stock market instability index.
【作 者】Kim,Dong Ha;Lee,Suk Jun;Oh,Kyong Joo;Kim,Tae Yoon【刊 名】Expert Systems【出版日期】2009【卷 号】Vol.26【期 号】No.3【页 码】260-273

帮忙找一篇与财务危机预警系统《Early Warning System for Financial Crisis》相关的外文文献??

2. 财务危机预警系统的理论依据


3. 财务预警与财务危机预警有什么区别

1、财务危机(Financial crisis)又称财务困境(Financial distress),国内外学术界并没有给出财务危机的统一定义,通常公认有两种确定的方法:一是法律对企业破产的定义,企业破产是用来衡量企业财务危机最常用的标准,也是最准确和最极端的标准;二是以证券交易所对持续亏损、有重大潜在损失或者股价持续低于一定水平的上市公司给予特别处理或退市作为标准。根据中外学者的研究,财务危机至少有以下几种表现形式:第一,从企业的运营情况看,表现为产销严重脱节,企业销售额和销售利润明显下降,多项绩效评价指标严重恶化;第二,从企业的资产结构看,表现为应收账款大幅增长,产品库存迅速上升;第三,从企业的偿债能力看,表现为丧失偿还到期债务的能力,流动资产不足以偿还流动负债,总资产低于总负债;第四,从企业现金流量看,表现为缺乏偿还即将到期债务的现金流,现金总流入小于现金总流出。 

2、所谓企业财务预警,即财务失败预警,是指借助企业提供的财务 报表、经营计划及其他相关会计资料,利用财会、统计、金融、企业管理、市场营销理论,采用比率分析、比较分析、因素分析及多种分析方法,对企业的经营活动、财务活动等进行分析预测,以发现企业在经营管理活动中潜在的经营风险和财务风险,并在危机发生之前向企业经营者发出警告督促企业管理当局采取有效措施,避免潜在的风险演变成损失,起到未雨绸缪的作用;而且,作为企业经营预警系统的重要子系统,也可为企业纠正经营方向、改进经营决策和有效配置资源提供可靠依据。


4. 上市公司财务危机预警系统外文文献及翻译(译文3000汉字+),


5. 财务预警指标体系

一、 我国企业财务风险的主要表现 
1、 在筹资方面,企业资金结构不合理的现象普遍存在。我国资本市场尚不够发达,企业筹资手段不够丰富。长期以来企业对资本市场的了解还比较匮乏,对资本市场的运转、资本市场的理论缺乏研究,在筹资时较少考虑资本结构和财务风险等,具有一定的盲目性,资金结构中负债资金比例过高,导致企业财务负担沉重,偿付能力严重不足。与高负债形成的风险相比,或有负债形成的风险更具隐蔽性,对企业的潜在风险也更大。典型表现是企业的乱担保。部分企业对外担保数额大,期限长,甚至未经同意和审批,董事、经理擅自以公司名义为他人担保等,给企业带来较大的风险。大部分企业对担保疏于管理,也不按照制度规范在表外披露,如果担保对象一旦无法偿债,担保企业的或有负债就转化成负债,突如其来的债务负担很可能导致企业资金紧张甚至资不抵债,诱发企业的财务风险。 
2、 在投资方面,部分企业投资决策随意性大。在企业中,不顾自身的能力和发展目标,热衷于铺新摊子,盲目投资,造成严重损失的例子比比皆是。企业在进行任何一项投资之前,都应对投资项目进行可行性分析,只有在综合考虑各项因素的基础上,当投资项目所产生的净现金流量为正时才是可行的。盲目追求外延式扩张及所谓多样化经营,未经深入调查研究便乱上投资项目,走向破产也就不足为怪了。由于投资决策者对投资风险的认识不足,决策失误及盲目投资导致一些企业产生巨额投资损失。 
3、 在资金营运方面,我国企业在流动资金等方面的管理也存在很多问题,一些管理手段还比较落后。目前我国企业流动资产中,存货所占比重相对较大,且很多表现为超储积压存货。存货流动性差,一方面占用了企业大量资金,另一方面企业必须为保管这些存货支付大量的保管费用,导致企业费用上升,利润下降。长期库存存货,企业还要承担市价下跌所产生的存货跌价损失及保管不善造成的损失,由此产生财务风险。 在应收账款管理中,企业普遍存在只注重销售业绩,忽视应收账款的控制状况。一些企业为了增加销量,扩大市场占有率,大量采用赊销方式销售产品,导致企业应收账款大量增加。同时,由于企业在赊销过程中,对客户的信用等级了解不够,盲目赊销,造成应收账款失控,相当比例的应收账款长期无法收回,直至成为坏账。资产长期被债务人无偿占用,严重影响企业资产的流动性及安全性。 
4、 在收益分配上较少考虑资本结构问题。股利分配政策不仅影响与企业相关的各方面的利益,而且与公司的筹资问题和资本结构问题密切相关,涉及到企业的长远发展。在我国,由于企业为了长期稳定地发展,一般较注重积累,而不倾向于导致企业现金流出的现金股利分配方式;较注重企业的经营成果,即利润指标,而对股价关心较少,从而在收益分配上与国际惯例差距较大。与国际上广泛采用的股利政策相比,我国上市公司较少分配现金股利,代之以配股或送红股的分配方法,这在有意无意间助长了证券市场上的投机气氛,无助于投资者形成正确的投资理念。不仅如此,我国企业股利政策的制定也往往无章可循,股利分配方案常常朝令夕改,令投资者无所适从。 
二、 建立财务预警分析指标体系,防范财务风险。 

1、 建立短期财务预警系统,编制现金流量预算。 


2、 确立财务分析指标体系,建立长期财务预警系统。 

三、 结合实际采取适当的风险策略,防范财务风险。 


1、 回避风险策略为企业在选择理财方案时,应综合评价各种方案可能产生的财务风险,在保证财务管理目标实现的前提下,选择风险较小的方案,以达到回避财务风险的目的。 

2、 控制风险策略按控制目的分为预防性控制和抑制性控制,前者指预先确定可能发生损失,提出相应措施,防止损失的实际发生。后者是对可能发生的损失采取措施,尽量降低损失程度。 

3、 转移风险策略指企业通过某种手段将部分或全部财务风险转移给他人承担的方法。转移风险的方式很多,企业应根据不同的风险采用不同的风险转移方式。例如,企业可以通过购买财产保险的方式将财产损失的风险转移给保险公司承担;订立反担保合同转移担保风险。 

4、 分散风险策略即通过企业之间联营、多种经营及对外投资多元化等方式分散财务风险。 

四、 提升企业财务管理水平,防范财务风险。 


1、 改变陈旧观念,从思想上重视财务管理。长期以来,我国企业的财务工作与会计工作也一直未能很好的分开,财务管理从属于会计工作,“财务管理跟着会计核算走,会计核算跟着领导意志走”,财务管理的内容也往往仅限于营运资金管理。在许多学者认为财务管理已取代生产管理成为企业管理核心的今天,这种状况必须改变。激烈的市场竞争和生存压力将迫使企业调整和转变过去陈旧的管理观念。为此,企业应自上而下形成重视财务管理的风尚,重视财务预算、营运资金管理、财务控制等工作,紧紧围绕企业目标,从大局上把握企业经营,提升企业财务管理层次。 

2、 努力建立和保持最优资本结构,合理进行筹资。筹资分为负债筹资和权益筹资,相比较而言,由于权益性资本不能抵税及其不可收回性,权益资本的成本要高于债务资本的成本。面对各种各样的筹资方法,企业应当克服片面强调财务安全、过于依赖权益资本筹资的保守倾向和片面追求低成本、忽视财务风险而过度举债的倾向,调整好经营杠杆系数和财务杠杆系数,综合权衡各种筹资方式的成本与风险,使企业的综合资本成本最低化,达到最优资本结构。判断资本结构合理与否,可以通过每股收益的变化来衡量。每股收益的无差别点即每股收益不受融资方式影响的销售水平,根据每股收益无差别点,可以分析判断在什么样的销售水平下适于采用何种资本结构。 




6. 求壳资源定价英文文献

Value-driven partnerships for a diverse energy future
Speech given by Jeroen van der Veer, Chief Executive of Royal Dutch Shell plc, at the International Oil Summit, Paris, 2 April 2009. This text may differ from the spoken word. 

With long-term energy demand going up, the world will need more diverse energy, even though fossil fuels will continue to dominate the energy mix for decades. To produce hydrocarbons effectively, efficiently and responsibly, value-driven partnerships between national oil companies and international oil companies are key. Against that backdrop, and given our skills and capabilities, Shell’s primary responsibility continues to be to deliver oil and natural gas, with a growing role for natural gas. In addition, we are stepping up our efforts in the area of sustainably sourced biofuels, because they fit our downstream capabilities and could make a substantial contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.

Value-driven partnerships for a diverse energy future 

Short-term volatility

These are very tough times for governments and companies alike. The speed and scale of the downturn has taken all of us by surprise. 
The recession could slow down investments by the oil and gas industry in new projects. This would amplify the already cyclical nature of our industry.
And, in addition to the short-term volatility, there is also growing long-term volatility. This volatility is related to the dual challenge of increasing energy supplies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 
Meeting both challenges at the same time will not be easy, as higher energy use will cause higher CO2 emissions, unless we can find ways to produce more energy and implement more CO2 solutions at the same time. 
So the oil and gas industry faces both short-term volatility and long-term volatility. 
I will discuss both, and then will present some thoughts on what can be done in response. 
I’ll round off by saying something about the contribution Shell intends to make – as a company and as a value-driven partner for National Oil Companies.

Long term volatility: Three Hard Truths 
Today, global oil demand is roughly 3% lower than last year. 
The oil price is back to where we were in 2004, but industry costs have doubled since then. 
At the same time, many producing fields are in decline. And we know that when the economy recovers, so will energy demand.
And when that happens, three hard truths about today’s energy system will become apparent again.
Let me remind you of them.
The first hard truth concerns energy demand. Despite the drop in energy demand in 2008 and 2009, it is still likely that global energy use will double during the first half of this century. 
The current slowdown in energy growth should still be seen in the context of a huge surge from 2004-2007, particularly from emerging economies.
So, the ups and downs of economic volatility and the current crisis may impact the details of this hard truth, but the trend remains in place. 
In meeting the world’s energy needs, there’s no doubt that oil and gas remain the main staples of the world’s energy diet for a long time to come.
So you would expect our industry to be fully committed to investing in projects that will deliver the supplies of the future.
That brings us to the second hard truth. It concerns the supply side. It is that “easy oil and gas” – or conventional oil and gas that are relatively easy to extract - will not be able to grow at the pace with which demand is growing. Many existing fields are maturing, the required investments are huge and access to resources is limited in many countries.
Even if investments were kept up according to pre-recession plans, once energy demand picks up again, it will be difficult for the upstream industry to bring on line new supplies at the pace required.
According to a survey by Barclays’ Capital of over 350 upstream companies, investments will actually fall by 12% in 2009. And this is probably too optimistic.
A supply crunch by mid-next decade seems possible and could be severe. This would result in new price spikes, putting another drag on economic recovery. Then the “boom-to-bust” story could begin all over again.
The logical consequence of lagging conventional supplies is that we need all the energy we can get, from all the possible sources. We at Shell call that “Diverse Energy”. 
However, even if we develop and deploy all the energy we can together – including unconventional oil and natural gas, including alternative energy, including nuclear and including more coal – it will still be a struggle to match demand, unless we learn to use energy in radically more efficient ways.
The third hard truth is that more energy means more CO2 emissions. We are currently on a path to atmospheric CO2 concentrations that scientists consider unsustainable. 

The response 
So what is the place of oil in this increasingly volatile world? And what role does Shell see for itself, as a company and as a partner?
It would be good for international society to continue investing in a diverse energy mix, in cap-and-trade mechanisms that put a price on CO2 , and in CO2 Capture and Storage as a vital technology for taking CO2 out of the fossil fuels chain. 
Given the high costs still associated with CCS and renewables, government support will be necessary to come to a commercial business model. 
What about the place of oil in the world’s increasingly diverse energy mix? 
It very much depends on climate policies.
There is a clear desire internationally to reduce the CO2 -intensity of mobility.
Some governments may feel pressure to attempt a rushed displacement of oil in the transport sector, without understanding the true cost of electrification.
So the race is on to reduce the CO2 -intensity of liquid fuels on a wells-to-wheels basis. 
We can make room for oil in transport through a combination of biofuels, lighter-weight vehicles, more efficient engines, and, in the longer term, by adding CCS to liquid hydrocarbon fuel production. 
If we can make progress in these areas, liquid fuels will be able to compete with vehicle electrification on environmental grounds for decades, not to mention cost and convenience.
If producer nations agree they have an interest in making room for oil in transport, they should actively support CO2 Cap and Trade mechanisms, CO2 Capture and Storage and biofuels.

Shell’s contribution 
The 3 Hard Truths force all of us to make choices.  We explained Shell’s choices at our strategy update on 17 March. 
That’s where we announced we would give priority to biofuels over wind and solar in our efforts to build a commercially attractive renewables business.
We were criticised for that decision by some environmental groups and commentators. 
So let me try to explain the rationale behind our continued focus on oil and natural gas, and our position on alternative energy. 
We recognise of course that a much higher share of the world's energy must in the future come from non-hydrocarbon fuels. 
But our scenarios work makes it clear that oil and gas will continue to be the world’s primary source of energy for decades to come. 
Clearly we must produce, process and distribute oil and gas in a responsible manner. 
I think it’s fair to say that Shell has high standards and a lot of experience operating in sensitive areas. The Sakhalin II project in Russia is a good example. 
In Sakhalin, we re-routed offshore pipelines to protect sensitive whale feeding grounds. And when we laid onshore pipelines, crossing a thousand rivers and streams in the process, we took great care to protect sensitive salmon spawning areas, sometimes tunnelling under streambeds or performing work in the cold of winter, when crews would have less impact. 
We’re also redoubling energy efficiency efforts at our refineries, chemical plants and production facilities. 
And we’re helping consumers with energy-saving products and tips. 
For instance, in a recent Fuel Save Challenge in the Philippines, drivers reduced fuel consumption by as much as 24%, just by changing their driving habits. 
And in the Netherlands, we have just introduced Fuel Save, a new Euro 95 petrol, that saves up to a litre per tank, (based on a 50-litre fill-up.) In the Netherlands, one litre per tank adds up to around 110 million litres of petrol saved each year. 
Finally, Shell is continuing efforts to increase production of natural gas. We think long-term demand for natural gas will grow, in part because it is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel. 
We are the world’s leading LNG producer and have projects underway that we expect will increase our capacity by about 40% between 2008 and 2011.
Indeed, we are increasingly becoming a gas company. In 2008, about 45% of our upstream production was natural gas. And that proportion is likely to rise in the years ahead.

Alternative energy 
Now let me say something about alternative energy.
We have looked very seriously at wind, solar, biofuels, hydrogen and CO2  capture and storage. Today, the largest of these activities is in Wind and we have 550 MW of capacity. 
We will now focus on operating our existing wind farms with increasing reliability and safety, and generally speaking, we’re doing a good job.
As regards solar, we sold our conventional Silicon solar business several years ago. However, we have a stake in a 20 MW solar thin-film manufacturing company in Germany. And our company in Japan, Showa Shell, is a player in solar.
We think hydrogen is still an interesting option, but for the very long term.

For the next few years, Shell will focus on biofuels. Why is that?
First of all, sustainably sourced biofuels could make a substantial contribution to reducing CO2  emissions.
Second, they are a natural fit with our downstream capabilities in transport fuels.
We believe biofuels could grow from just 1% of the world’s transport fuel mix today to as much as 7–10% over the next few decades.
We are the largest distributor of first generation biofuels: 6 billion litres distributed in 2008. 
So we can bring our weight and influence to implement sustainable practices and grow a sustainable biofuel supply chain. If sellers want to supply Shell, they must commit to working with us to develop a more sustainable supply chain.
We will track their performance against the social and environmental safeguards we’re writing into their contracts.
We also have a leading portfolio of next generation biofuels. This portfolio is comprised of research positions in conversion technologies and feedstocks, for example algae, and  small-scale projects in production of these advanced biofuels with even more attractive lifecycle CO2 profiles.
We think commercial volumes of next-generation biofuels could be on the market in five to 10 years. To get there, we are investing in partnerships targeted at technical breakthroughs and cost-reducing innovations.
So in the area of alternative energy, Shell will focus on fuel from biomass, because we are good at it, and we think it has a lot of potential to address CO2  emissions from energy.

CO2 Capture and Storage 
At the same time, we will also continue to be active in CO2  capture and storage.
We have made progress with several potential projects including in Canada, where we are taking part in the Weyburn-Midale CO2  monitoring and storage project; and in Germany where the first injection of CO2  was carried out in June 2008 at the CO2 SINK project - the first European scientific project to demonstrate onshore CO2 storage in a saline aquifer. 
Shell is also a partner in the Gorgon LNG project in Australia; should this project be approved by the government and JV partners, it could also become one of the world's largest CCS endeavours.

NOC-IOC partnerships 
This brings me to my next theme: value-driven partnerships between National Oil Companies (NOCs) and International Oil Companies (IOCs). 
As long as hydrocarbons are needed to meet the world’s energy needs, we will need to extract them effectively, efficiently, and responsibly, using all the skills and capabilities of all industry players.
By combining the best of our technologies and skills, the oil and gas industry can achieve a higher production peak in the future, and push the peak back by years or decades.
Enduring, value-driven partnerships between NOCs and IOCs can help us to generate more economic value over the long term for both parties, while sharing risks and rewards fairly, including when the going gets tough.
We all have our value propositions. As regards Shell, I think it’s fair to say that we bring to the table: technology, global learning, global contract leverage, experience in developing deep local supply chain capacity and in developing national staff.
In addition, Shell is a company that “stays and delivers”. Let me give you a few examples. 
In Russia, when the going got tough over Sakhalin II, we found a mutually acceptable solution, moved forward and completed the project – embracing Gazprom as a proud partner for the long-term. Now it’s on stream, producing oil and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
In Nigeria, despite the difficulties, we stay and continue to deliver energy supplies. We continue to invest in new projects, local communities and building local skills and supply chains. And we found ways to use our financial strength to support funding in our upstream joint venture.
And of course we have been in countries like Oman, Brunei, Malaysia and the Emirates for many decades, working together to provide value to the nation. And becoming partners of choice for the long term.
Saudi-Aramco and Shell jointly own petrol stations in the United States, and are currently expanding the huge Port Arthur refinery there. We are also partners with shareholdings in Showa Shell in Japan. 
In Qatar, the Pearl GTL project will supply customers across the globe with remarkably high-quality liquid products. Pearl will diversify Qatar’s market for natural gas from LNG and bring benefits for generations to come.
Also, we are drilling in Libya now, and working to upgrade an LNG plant there.
What all these partnerships have in common is a willingness to share risks and rewards fairly, and to stick together in good and bad times. 
So enduring, value-driven partnerships contribute to sustainable development and growth, and create a true sense of stability in ‘good times and in bad’.

Let me summarise my main points:
In light of the world’s growing long-term demand for energy, the world will need to produce “diverse energy” from all possible sources. 
Hydrocarbons will remain a key component in the world’s energy mix.
At the same time, concern over greenhouse gas emissions is growing.
Against this backdrop, the oil and gas industry is in a race to reduce the CO2  wells-to-wheels intensity of oil.
Progress in this area is important in order to make room for liquid fuels in the transport sector. 
Producer governments could help by promoting CO2  cap-and-trade mechanisms, CO2 capture and storage, and biofuels.

Royal Dutch Shell remains an oil and gas company with a growing interest in natural gas and biofuels. We will continue to pursue CCS projects that help reduce the CO2 -intensity of fossil fuels.   
And Shell remains interested in enduring, value-driven partnerships with NOCs as a way of:

mobilizing the industry’s full set of skills and capabilities;
distributing risks and rewards fairly across the globe;
promoting the most efficient, effective and responsible management of the world’s hydrocarbon resource base;
and thereby extending the economic life of what are ultimately finite resources by years and decades.

7. 怎样建立财务风险预警系统

  Z = 1.2X1 + 1.4X2 + 3.3X3 + 0.6X4 + X5



8. 论文的摘要需要翻译一篇英文的,是关于企业财务危机预警体系的

  风险无时不有,无处不在。企业往往会面临各种各样的财务风险, 复杂多变的市场环境和内部经营的不可控制因素决定了风险的客观存在。如果企业不能成功地规避风险,危机便会在企业内部机体滋生蔓延。当各种不可预见风险发生后,首当其冲的是企业资金运动的中枢--财务系统,财务状况的逐步恶化将引发财务危机,而当危机扩散到企业无法承受的限度时,全面危机则一触即发,因此进行财务风险管理至关重要。企业若能建立良好的风险监控和预警指标系统,预先诊断出危机信号,并积极采取相宜的有效措施,便能将危机消灭于萌芽阶段。�

  � 企业在选择理财方案时,应综合评价各种方案可能产生的财务风险,在保证财务管理目标实现的前提下,选择风险较小的方案,以达到回避财务风险的目的。