
2024-05-23 16:29

1. 钢筋平法标注谁能发给我一份????麻烦各位高手了!!!!有的话请发到我的邮箱:jinzhong369@qq.com



2. 麻烦各位高手给我推荐一篇英文散文,3分钟能说完的,谢谢了哈

英语散文:Think it Over...(好好想想……)


Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view;

We spend more, but enjoy less;

We have bigger houses, but smaller famillies;

We have more compromises, but less time;

We have more knowledge, but less judgment;

We have more medicines, but less health;

We have multiplied out possessions, but reduced out values;

We talk much, we love only a little, and we hate too much;

We reached the Moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors;

We have conquered the uter space, but not our inner space;

We have highter income, but less morals;

These are times with more liberty, but less joy;

We have much more food, but less nutrition;

These are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home, but divorces increase;

These are times of finer houses, but more broken homes;

That's why I propose, that as of today;

You do not keep anything for a special occasion.because every day that you live is a SPECIAL OCCASION.

Search for knowledge, read more , sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs;

Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, visit the places you love;

Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival;

Use your crystal goblets.Do not save your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it.

Remove from your vocabulary phrases like"one of these days"or "someday";

Let's write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"!

Let's tell our families and friends how much we love them;

Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life;

Every day, every hour, and every minute is special;

And you don't know if it will be your last.

3. 我的宝宝是2010年9月24号下午5点08分出生,姓王 麻烦各位高手给起个名字


我的宝宝是2010年9月24号下午5点08分出生,姓王 麻烦各位高手给起个名字

4. 工商银行代发工资的小蜘蛛没有了怎么办,麻烦各位高手有的给我发一个。谢谢!


5. 各位高手,麻烦给我一下,昆明南部客运站,昆明到西双版纳,西双版纳回程昆明的客车时刻表,准确的。

1     景洪-0821     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  08:00     尼奥普兰(坐席)     21  /  22     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

2     景洪-0822     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  08:30     商务车(坐席)     19  /  22     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

3     景洪-2823     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  09:00     豪华宇通(坐席)     31  /  43     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

4     景洪-2830     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  09:30     豪华宇通(坐席)     37  /  47     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

5     景洪-0824     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  10:00     商务车(坐席)     21  /  22     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

6     勐海-0235     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  10:20     金龙(坐席)     43  /  43     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    点击查询

7     景洪-2825     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  10:30     沃尔沃(坐席)     21  /  22     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

8     景洪-0827     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  11:30     沃尔沃(坐席)     43  /  43     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

9     景洪-0221     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  12:00     宇通卧(卧铺)     35  /  35     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

10     景洪-0828     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  12:30     沃尔沃(坐席)     21  /  22     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

11     景洪-0820     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  13:25     沃尔沃(坐席)     22  /  22     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    立刻购票

12     勐海-0236     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  14:00     金龙(坐席)     44  /  44     590.0     约9-10小时     226.0    点击查询

13     景洪-0203     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  14:05     大宇卧铺(卧铺)     23  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

14     景洪-0205     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  14:55     宇通卧(卧铺)     23  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

15     景洪-0207     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  15:45     宇通卧(卧铺)     23  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

16     景洪-0209     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  16:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     23  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

17     勐海-0243     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  17:00     宇通卧(卧铺)     30  /  32     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    点击查询

18     景洪-0211     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  17:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     23  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

19     景洪-0213     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  18:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     22  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

20     勐龙-0233     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  19:00     宇通卧(卧铺)     35  /  35     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    点击查询

21     勐罕-0245     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  19:00     宇通卧(卧铺)     36  /  36     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    点击查询

22     景洪-0215     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  19:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     23  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

23     景洪-0217     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  20:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     22  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

24     勐龙-0232     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  20:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     33  /  34     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    点击查询

25     景洪-0218     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  21:00     宇通卧(卧铺)     22  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

26     景洪-0219     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  21:30     宇通卧(卧铺)     21  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票

27     景洪-0220     南部客运站     昆明到景洪     2013-08-08  22:00     金旅卧(卧铺)     22  /  23     590.0     约9-10小时     259.0    立刻购票



6. 急急急,麻烦各位高手给我翻译下下面英语文章吧,不要神马机器翻译,我实在不会翻译啊,谢谢啦。

The puzzle Sudoku has become the passion of many people the world over in the past few years. The interesting fact about Sudoku is that it is a trivial puzzle to solve. The reason it is trivial to solve is that an algorithm exists for Sudoku solutions.
The algorithm is a tree-based search algorithm based on backtracking in a tree until a solution is found. If all a person needs to do is sit down at their personal computer, punch in the numbers given in the puzzle, and then watch a computer program compute the solution, we can reasonably ask why a person would bother to struggle to solve Sudoku puzzles. The reason is that people enjoy struggling with pencil and paper to work out Sudoku solutions. Herzberg and Murty (2007, p. 716) give two reasons for the enjoyment of this struggle:
该算法是一个以“树图”为基础的算法,它沿着“树图”往后搜寻,直至找到答案为止。如果我们只需要坐在个人计算机前,把拚图游戏所给定的几个数字输入去,然后便可以看着电脑程式计算出答案的话,我们便不禁要问:为甚么还有人耐烦去自己拆解数独拚图?个中原因在于:人们亲自动手拆解数独问题,会乐在其中。Herzberg 和 Murty(2007年的著作第716页)提供了两个乐在其中的原因:
First, it is sufficiently difficult to pose a serious mental challenge for anyone attempting to do the puzzle. Secondly, simply by scanning rows and columns, it is easy to enter the “missing colors”, and this gives the solver some encouragement to persist.
This paper develops an algorithm for solving any Sudoku puzzle by pencil and paper, especially the ones classified as diabolical.
本文旨在开发出一套算法,务求能够用纸和笔去拆解任何数独拚图,特别是属于 “恶魔” 类的数独拚图。
Definition of the Sudoku Board
Sudoku is played on a 9 × 9 board. There are eighty-one cells on the board, which is broken down into nine 3 × 3 subboards that do not overlap.We call these subboards boxes and number them from 1 to 9 in typewriter order beginning in the upper left-hand corner of the board, as displayed in Figure 1. The notation for referring to a particular cell on the board is to give the row number followed by the column number. For example, the notation c (6, 7)—where c denotes cell—denotes the cell at the intersection of row 6 and column 7.
数独是在一块 9 格乘 9 格的图版上进行。图版上合共有八十一格,再细分成九块 3 格乘 3 格的小图版,互不重叠。我们把这些小图版称为 “框”,并从图版的左上角开始,按照打字机打字的顺序,为这些 “框” 分别编上 1 至 9 的编号,一如图 1 所示。对于图版上某个特定格子的标示和指称方法,是先说出其所在的横列数目,然后再在后面加上直行数目。例如 c(6,7) 这个标志,当中的 c 是格子的意思,而整个标志则表示位于第 6 列、第 7 行交界处的格子。
 The theory we develop in the next section uses the widely known concept of matching numbers across cells. Various authors, as suits their whim,name matching numbers differently. For example, Sheldon (2006, p. xiv) names them partnerships,whereas Mepham (2005, p. 9) names the concept number sharing. Here, we will use the name preemptive sets, which is more precise from a mathematical point of view. The theory developed here applies to Sudoku boards of all sizes.我们在下一章将会开发的理论,运用了已广为人知的概念,即:在多个格子中找出匹配数字。对于这个概念,每个作者都按自己的想法来为它名命。例如 Sheldon(2006 年的著作第 xiv 页)称它为 “伙伴”,而 Mepham(2005 年的著作第 9 页)把它叫作 “数字分享”。我们则会称之为 “占先数组”,因为从数学的观点,这个叫法更准确。这里所发展出的理论,适用于各种大小的数独图版。

7. 摩托车发动机有脱漆我想用油漆补一补可是不知道用什么,麻烦各位高手给小弟讲解讲解



8. 求各位高手告诉一下怎么将单片机,LM358以及光敏三极管(两个接口)三者连起来,麻烦给我一个电路图。谢谢
