
2024-05-07 03:44

1. 翻译语段(翻译中文)

Tower Bridge is a source of never-ending fascination to visitors. Many who come to the Tower of London often wait a long time to see the roadway raised to allow an ocean-going ship to enter the Pool of London. Although the two bascules which carry the roadway each weigh over 1,000 tons, they can be raised in under two minutes. The Bridge was built between 1886 and 1894 by the City of London Corporation to link the southeastern suburbs with the city and eastern London. It cost over a million pounds. 

Nearby is Tower Pier, embarkation point for the river launches which take tourists on short trips to places of interest. The river foreshore in front of the Tower of London, which is part of the Tower lands, is used as a pleasure beach by children. They have the late Lord Wakefield to thank for this open air delight. In 1934, when he was Sir Charles Wakefield, he obtained King George V's sanction for the foreshore to be converted to a playground by spreading hundreds of tons of sand on the gravel beach. It was opened that year and has been popular ever since.


2. 翻译 分段1

好像没翻译好 呵呵 能用就用吧

  千叶大学先生(以下千叶):不要想也许不是吗?本来卧室,或者起居室朦胧的房间的只考虑。实际的生活,(居住的手)在那里,不知如何是好)(建筑师,没办法决定。不仅是餐厅吃饭団らん的情况也有书房,客厅也能成为作为寝室是家庭影院,最看电视的地方也能成为可能。餐厅吃饭的地方,起居室= = = = =寛ぐ所宿所、卧室奇怪的事情本身,我想应该不是。

3. 整段翻译

Corporate culture, or organizational culture, is an organization by its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, and manner of its unique cultural image.
Unique enterprise culture is famous companies such as general motors, and IBM, 3 m, one of the root cause of the success and the enterprise culture as the spirit and soul of the enterprise. Around the world and in many cases, the failure of the enterprise first performance for the failure of corporate culture, cultural lost customer's identity, culture has lost the role of enterprise employees. Therefore, the enterprise culture and its construction for enterprise's survival and development has the extremely important significance.
Enterprise culture is the result of social ideological trend, to explore the characteristics of Chinese enterprise culture, first have to understand the changes of the social ideological trend in China. Enterprise culture of China today is still in a state of chaos dim without settling into their own characteristics, some even didn't understand what is the corporate culture to the rapid graft substitute stealthily without human genes of western culture in China. So how to set up with the Chinese culture that meet the needs of enterprise culture is a difficult problem in today's Chinese local enterprises management.
This article is about how to build good corporate culture, in order to adapt to China's national conditions and combining with the Chinese culture.


4. 英文翻译(全段翻译)


5. 整段翻译



6. 整段翻译

7. 全段。 翻译

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8. 翻译文段

【译文】司空、太子太师、英贞武公李绩病重,唐高宗将他在外地的子弟全部召回京师,让他们服侍他。唐高宗和太子赏赐的药物,李绩就服用;他家子弟为他请医生,他都不让看病,说:“我本是崤山以东的种田人,遇到圣明君主,位至三公,年纪将近八十岁,这难道不是命运的安排吗!寿命长短有定期,哪能再向医生求活命!”一日,李世忽然对他弟弟司卫少卿李弼说:“我今天稍好些,可以设酒席共同高兴一番。”于是儿孙全都聚齐。酒席将散时,他对李弼说:“我自己知道病好不了,所以想与你们决别。你们不要悲伤哭泣,听我的安排。……我的葬事完毕,你即搬进我家居住,抚养儿孙,仔细监察他们,凡有心志不端,结交行为不正之人的,都先打死,然后报我知道。”此后便不再说别的话了。……李绩作为将领,有谋略,善于决断;和人讨论事情,能从善如流。打胜仗,则把功劳归于下属,所获得的金帛等财物,全部分给将士,所以人人愿出死力,战无不胜。临战时选派将领,必选择相貌丰满的人。有人问他这样做的原因,他说:“薄命的人,不值得与他成就功名。” ……家内和睦而严肃。他姐姐曾患病,李绩虽已任仆射,还亲自为她煮粥,风向逆转,烧焦了头发胡须。他姐姐说:“仆人和婢妾不少,何必这样自己吃苦!” 李绩说:“不是因为没有人使唤才这样做的,看着姐姐年老,我自己也老了,虽想长久为姐姐煮粥,办得到吗!” 李绩常对人说:“我十二三岁时是个蛮横的贼,逢人便杀。十四五岁时是个难对付的贼,遇到不愉快即杀人。十七八岁成为好贼,临阵才杀人。二十岁成为大将,用兵使人免于死难。”