
2024-05-18 04:14

1. “东京”英文怎么读?

 “东京”英文怎么读?  “东京”的英文是Tokyo.
  英 ['təukjəu] 美 ['tokjo]
  Tokyo 东京
  Tokyo Dome 东京巨蛋 ; 东京巨蛋体育馆 ; 东京 ; 东京圆顶
  Tokyo University 日本东京大学 ; 东京大学 ; 日本 ; 东洋东京大学
  Tokyo Babylon 东京巴比伦 ; 开玩笑的 ; 东京·巴比伦
  Tokyo Monorail 东京单轨电车 ; 单轨电车 ; 东京单轨铁路 ; 单轨列车
  Tokyo City 东京市
  Tokyo islands 东京都岛屿部
  TOKYO PACK 东京国际包装展 ; 包装展
  TOKYO Web 东京新闻 ; 神奈川 ; 放送芸能
    Tokyo is a human beehive of a city.   东京是个像蜂窝般人囗集中而热闹的都市。
    She dropped me off downtown in Tokyo.   她在东京同我分手了。
  东京喰种英文怎么写  【汉语】东京喰种  【英语】Tokyo Ghoul  【音标】  英语读音【'təʊkjəʊ gu:l】  美语读音【'tokjo gul】  【介绍】  《东京食尸鬼》是由石田スイ作画的漫画,连载于集英社杂志《YOUNG JUMP》 。中文版由尖端出版代理。漫画《东京食尸鬼》于2014年9月17日完结,续作《东京食尸鬼:re》已于2014年10月11日开始连载。
  "东京"的英文怎么拼?  绝对正确 Tokyo
  东京台场英文怎么说  Odaiba, Tokyo / Tokyo's Odaiba
  《东京审判》的英文怎么说?  《东京审判》(The Tokyo Trial)
  东京铁塔用英文怎么说  东京铁塔 : Tokyo Tower
  东京热英文  tokyo hot
  东京塔的英文单词怎么拼  tokyo tower


2. 东京的日语怎么读?



3. 东京是日本的首都用英语怎么说?

东京是日本的首都的英文:Tokyo is Japan's capital
capital 读法 英 ['kæpɪt(ə)l]  美 ['kæpɪtl] 

1、n. 首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家
2、adj. 首都的;重要的;大写的
1、ancient capital	古都
2、foreign capital	外国都市
3、national capital	国都
4、provisional capital	临时首都
5、cotton capital	棉都

principal,capital, major, chief, main这组词都有“首要的,主要的”的意思,其区别是:
1、principal 用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。
2、capital 着重指因重要性、意义、优越或重大而名列同类之首。
3、major 指同其他人或其它物、问题等相比较,显得更加重要和突出。
4、chief 拽人时,表同类中职位最高,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。
5、main 通常只用于物。指在一定范围内,某物的重要性、体积或力量等超过其它物。
1、capital flow 资本流动;资金流量
2、working capital 营运资本;运用资本
3、capital account 资本性帐户;固定资产帐户
4、intellectual capital 知识资本;智慧资本
5、national capital 国家资本


4. 东京的英文介绍

Greater Tokyo is the world's most populous metropolitan area and is the center of Japanese culture, finance, and government. A bustling cosmopolitan city, Tokyo is also a major transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center. The city boasts a large number of world-class institutions of higher education, the highest concentration of universities in Japan. Tokyo was known as Edo until 1868, when the Japanese imperial family was moved there from Kyoto. Metropolitan Tokyo is generally defined as the four prefectures of Tokyo, Saitaima, Kanagawa, and Chiba, while the city of Tokyo proper usually refers to the 23 wards in Tokyo prefecture itself. The metropolitan area includes the major cities of Yokohama (the second largest city in Japan), Kawasaki, and Chiba, as well as rural mountain regions west of the city, the Izu Islands outside Tokyo Bay, and the Bonin Islands to the southeast in the Pacific Ocean.

5. 东京是日本的首都用英语怎么说?

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.东京是日本的首都。注意专有名词大写首字母


6. 用英文介绍东京

Tokyo , officially Tokyo Metropolis  is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. It is located on the eastern side of the main island Honshū and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture  and the city of Tokyo . Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family.

Tokyo was originally a small fishing village named Edo.
It was first fortified by the Edo clan, in the late 12th century.
In 1457, ōta Dōkan built Edo Castle. In 1590, Tokugawa Ieyasu made Edo his base and when he became shogun in 1603, the town became the center of his nationwide military government. During the subsequent Edo period, Edo grew into one of the largest cities in the world with a population topping one million by the 18th century.[14]
It became the de facto capital of Japan[15] even while the emperor lived in Kyoto, the imperial capital. After about 263 years, the shogunate was overthrown under the banner of restoring imperial rule. In 1869, the 17-year-old Emperor Meiji moved to Edo. Tokyo was already the nation's political and cultural center,[16] and the emperor's residence made it a de facto imperial capital as well with the former Edo Castle becoming the Imperial Palace. The city of Tokyo was established, and continued to be the capital until it was abolished as a municipality in 1943 and merged with the "Metropolitan Prefecture" of Tokyo.
Central Tokyo, like Osaka, has been designed since about 1900 to be centered around major train stations in a high-density fashion, so suburban railways were built relatively cheaply at street level and with their own right-of-way. This differs from many cities in the United States that are low-density and automobile-centric. Though expressways have been built in Tokyo, the basic design has not changed.

7. 东京日语怎么写

东京:日语平假名:とうきよう  罗马音标:to u ki yo u

中文名称 东京
外文名称 Tokyo
别名 江户
行政区类别 都
所属地区 日本本州岛关东平原南端
下辖地区 23特别区、26市、5町、8村
政府驻地 日本国东京都新宿区西新宿2-8-1
电话区号 03-5321
邮政区码 163-8001
地理位置 东经140度50分,北纬35度44分
面积 2188平方公里
人口 1299万(2009年)
方言 日本语 关东方言
气候条件 温带海洋性季风气候
著名景点 银座、 东京铁塔,东京迪斯尼乐园、东京天空树
机场 成田国际机场
火车站 东京站等


8. 英语日本怎么读

一、/d/ 双唇微开,先用舌尖抵上齿龈,然后突然张开,使气流外冲而成音,须振动声带。
二、/ʒ/ 双唇微开,向前突出,舌尖升近上龈,用力将气息送出来,须振动声带。
三、/p/ 双唇紧闭并使气流突破双唇外泻。
四、/ə/ 舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之短音。 是字母a、o、u、e、or、er或ur在单词中的发音
五、/æ/ 双唇扁平,舌前微升,舌尖抵住下龈,牙床开,软腭升起,唇自然开放。 是字母a在闭音节或重读闭音节中的发音
六、/n/ 双唇微闭,舌尖抵住上龈,振动声带,使气流从鼻腔出来。

1、made in Japan日本制造
2、bank of Japan 日本中央银行
3、sea of Japan 日本海
4、democratic party of Japan 日本民主党
5、Japan airlines 日本航空
6、yahoo Japan 雅虎日本
1、I began with their ideas of Japan and what did they know, because I knew that they knew very little.
2、And I know that like in Japan, they like to cultivate relationships first before they do business with one another,