英语名人名言警句励志诗句摘抄大全 励志

2024-05-11 14:00

1. 英语名人名言警句励志诗句摘抄大全 励志

  1、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.
    2、Sweat is the lubricant of success.
    3、If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure.
    4、Energy and persistence conquer all things.
    5、Bravery never goes out of fashion.
    6、Those who turn back never reach the summit.
    7、Proper Pparation solves 80 percent of life's problems.
    8、Winners do what losers don't want to do.
    9、Every noble work is at first impossible.
    10、We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contests, and we must win.
    我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!
    11、Giving is a reward in itself.
    12、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!
    13、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)
    14、You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor )
    人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 (美国演员 卓别林. C.)
    15、One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)
    16、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
    17、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.
    18、One needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for.

英语名人名言警句励志诗句摘抄大全 励志

2. 古今中外经典名人励志名言短句英文诗句集锦

  1、放弃信念,无异死亡  --法国
    2、人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的 --贝蒂
    3、信念!有信念的人经得起任何风暴 --奥维德
    4、有必胜信念的人才能成为战场上的胜利者 --希金森
    5、宁肯孑然而自豪地独守信念,也莫不辨是非地随波逐流 --查·丘吉尔
    6、人的强烈愿望一旦产生,就很快会转变成信念 --爱·扬格
    7、产生信念是要付出很高的代价的 --本·琼森
    8、信念是心灵的良知  --汉·沃德
    9、只有信念使快乐真实  --蒙田
    11、地位越高,自我评价就越高,自信心多强,能力就有多强。我们总能表现出与环境的和谐平等 ——赫兹里特
    12、技能和信心加在一起便是一支无往而不胜的军队 ——欧洲
    13、许多人都是由于本身软弱而做出问心有愧的事来的,并非都是蓄意背信弃义 ——拉罗什富科
    14、教育能增加人固有的价值。有素的训练能坚定人的信心 ——贺拉斯
    15、一百个满怀信心和决心的人,要比一万个谨小慎微的和可敬的可尊重的人强得多  ——辛克莱
    16、喷泉的高度不会超过它的源头;一个人的成就不会超过他的信念 ——美国
    17、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念 ——法国
    18、宁肯折断骨头,不能放弃信念 -- 蒙古
    19、对我们帮助最大的,并不是朋友们的实际帮助,而是我们坚信得到他们的帮助的信念 ——伊壁鸠鲁

3. 有关于廉洁的英文名言警句带有中英文翻译

有请有送很风光,到了牢里泪汪汪。   Please have to send a very scenery, to the prison tears.   德如静水才似舟,廉是和风勤为桨。   Virtue is like a boat in still water, and honesty is like the wind.   以铜为镜,正人正己正衣冠;以廉为荣,兴党兴国兴天下。   With copper as mirror, people are upright and their clothes are upright; with honesty as honor, the party is prosperous and the country is prosperous.   执政以廉为本,为官以勤为先,做人以诚为重。   Being in power is based on honesty, being an official is based on diligence, and being a man is based on sincerity.   清清白白,当好公公正正官;实实在在,办好桩桩件件事。   Be honest and upright, be honest and upright, and do everything well.   排查岗位廉政风险,建立廉政风险防控机制。   Check the post integrity risk and establish the integrity risk prevention and control mechani *** .   欺人如欺天,毋自欺也;负民即负国,何忍负之。   Deceiving people is like deceiving heaven, but not self deceiving. If you lose the people, you will lose the country. How can you bear to lose it.   事权财权人权,贪权是腐败之源;公开公正公平,公心乃廉政之基。   Power, property, human rights, corruption is the source; open, fair, public heart is the basis of a clean government.   贪污一根针,刺痛百姓心。   Embezzle a needle, stab common people's heart.   只有代表群众才能教育群众,只有做群众的学生才能做群众的先生。   Only on behalf of the masses can we educate the masses, and only students who are the masses can be the gentlemen of the masses.   为人之道,循规为上,逾距为下;为人之要,风清为上,气浊为下;为人之美,简约为上,奢靡为下。   The way of being human is to follow the rules, and to surpass the distance is to follow the rules; to be human, the wind is clear, and the air is turbid; to be human, the simplicity is to follow the rules, and the extravagance is to follow the rules.   从政不为己,掌权不谋私。清清白白做官,老老实实做事,堂堂正正做人。   He who is in power does not seek personal gain. He is an honest and upright official.   人民的干部要记住,当官一任为民造福;少说空话多办实事,群众满意百姓拥护。   People's cadres should remember that when they are in office, they benefit the people; when they talk less, they do more practical things, and the people are satisfied with their support.   做事最怕生贪欲,为官最难秉公心。   Work the most afraid of greed, the most difficult for officials to uphold justice.   务必继续保持谦虚谨慎不骄不躁的作风,务必继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。   We must continue to maintain the style of modesty, prudence and impetuousness, and the style of hard work.   用廉洁回报人民的信任,以奉公成就自己的功名。   Repay the people's trust with honesty, and achieve their own fame by serving the public.   人生匆匆如风过为官有权**多,若要一生自在多,勤政清廉常积德。   Life is too busy to be an official. If you want to live a more comfortable life, you should be diligent and honest.   不勤,无以成就事业;不廉,无以凝取人心。   If you don't work hard, you won't accomplish your career; if you don't be honest, you won't win people's hearts.   廉政是明镜,腐败是陷阱,自己时时照明镜,行走不会掉陷阱。   Incorruption is the mirror, corruption is the trap. When you walk, you will not fall into the trap.   忍一时眼热心跳,赢得清名传后世;叹一声悔不当初,却留遗憾在人间。   Bear for a while, heart beat, won the fame passed down; sigh a regret at the beginning, but leave regret in the world.   正心为本,修身为基,秉公办事,勤政为民。   It is based on integrity, self-cultivation, fairness and diligence.   **上做一个明白的人;工作上做一个勤政的人;生活上做一个清廉的人;处事上做一个正直的人。   **To be a clear man; to be an industrious man in work; to be a clean man in life; to be an upright man in work.   不怕法律无情,就怕自身不清。   Not afraid of the ruthlessness of the law, but afraid of their own unclear.   清廉公平断事理,勤政正直做“公仆”。   Honest, fair and reasonable, diligent and honest as "public servants".   努力树立“风险无处不在,人人都有风险”的思想理念。   Strive to establish the idea that "risk is everywhere, everyone has risk".   天地君亲师,为师须德艺双馨,忠孝礼廉耻,知耻必贪淫俱戒。   Heaven and earth, the prince's own teacher, must be virtuous and virtuous, loyal, filial piety, honest and shameless. If you are aware of shame, you will be greedy and lustful.   聪明的人,以敬业奉献津津乐道;愚蠢的人,以贪污腐败沾沾自喜。   A wise man is fond of his devotion; a foolish man is proud of his corruption.   学《准则》严自律,八方面禁止是准绳莫要违行;守《准则》慎从政,五十二个不准划红线牢记心中。   Learn the "code" strictly and self-discipline, eight aspects of prohibition is the rule, do not violate the line; abide by the "code" carefully in politics, 52 are not allowed to draw a red line in mind.   清,高风亮节萦百姓。厚德品,身正千秋铭。明,立党为公社稷情。任重远,才献盛世景。吟,勤廉花开神州兴。口碑传,燕舞莺歌鸣。   In the Qing Dynasty, the people are haunted by high spirits. He is a man of great virtue and a man of great virtue. Ming Dynasty, the establishment of the party for the commune. It takes a long time to present the grand scenery. Yin, Qin Lian flowers bloom in Shenzhou. Word of mouth, singing.   法律神圣威严,你在贪婪时是否想到;反贪利剑高悬,你在伸手时是否看到。   The law is sacred and majestic. Do you think of it when you are greedy? Do you see it when you reach out.   德如深山幽兰,不言自芳;欲似长堤蝼蚁,无孔不入。   Virtue is like a deep mountain orchid, which is silent and fragrant. If you want to be like a long dike or an ant, you can get in everywhere.   监督就是爱护,公开就是倡廉。   Supervision is love, openness is integrity.   勤补拙苦作舟永学毋惰,严律己廉为政常涤细非。   To be diligent, to make up for the hardships, to learn for ever, not to be lazy; to be strict, to be honest, to be honest, to be honest, and to clean up the mistakes.   出入莫要慌,廉政记心上;国事礼当先,民事不能忘。   Don't panic when you go in and out. Keep integrity in mind. State etiquette should be the first thing, and civil affairs should not be forgotten.   一心为公,自会宠辱不惊;两袖清风,始能正所凛然。   One heart for the public, will not be surprised; two sleeve breeze, can be awe inspiring.   好友简简单单,越久越真;好事公公正正,越久越善;好生活清清淡淡,越久越美;好人平平安安,越久越幸福。   A good friend is simple, the longer it is, the more true it is; a good father-in-law is upright, the longer it is, the better it is; a good life is simple, the longer it is, the more beautiful it is; a good man is safe, the longer it is, the happier it is.   一身正气,两袖清风,三皇为范,四体勤快,五斗不折,六根清静,七步之才,八面威风,九死不悔,十全十美,百姓敬重。   One body, two sleeves, three emperors as the model, four bodies diligent, five fights do not fold, six roots quiet, seven steps of talent, all kinds of prestige, nine deaths do not regret, perfect, the people respect.   深入开展反腐败斗争,为经济建设保驾护航。   We will fight against corruption in an in-depth way to protect economic development.   不听枕头风,要闻众人言;不讲情和面,完成众人愿;不怕职务小,就怕贪无厌;心里有大众,美名大众传。   If you do not listen to the pillow wind, you will hear the people's words; if you do not speak kindly and face, you will fulfill the people's wishes; if you are not afraid of a *** all position, you will be afraid of greed and weariness; if you have the people in your heart, you will be famous.   登其高可以广视野,坚其守才能拓前程。   Climbing high can broaden our vision and develop our future.   以勤俭办事多劳多得劳动致富为荣;以铺张浪费贪污挪用行贿受贿为耻。   He is proud to work hard and thrifty, to work hard and get rich; he is ashamed to be extravagant and wasteful, to embezzle, to bribe and to take bribes.   要振伟大事业,必先兴廉政之风。   In order to boost the great cause, we must first build a clean and honest government.   贪念的产生有时就瞬间的时间,但它有时却能毁掉人的一生。   Sometimes greed is instantaneous, but sometimes it can destroy a person's life.   以辛勤劳动为荣以好逸恶劳为耻。   To be proud of hard work and to be ashamed of ease and evil work.   牢里忏悔方觉晚,平时要做清醒人。   It's late to repent in prison. You should be sober at ordinary times.   感谢群众监督,欢迎民主评议。   Thank the masses for their supervision and welcome the democratic appraisal.   理想信念记心间,勤政为民手莫贪,反   Keep in mind your ideals and beliefs, work hard for the people, don't be greedy  腐倡廉当模范,再创辉煌谱新篇。   Corruption should be a model, and create a new chapter of brilliant score.   送钱送物害他人,收钱收物路不正。   Send money and goods to harm others. The way to receive money and goods is not right.   扣错第一颗纽扣将一错到底,挡住第一次**将一路顺风。   If you miss the first button, you will miss it to the end. If you block the first button, you will have a good journey.   马行千里不失蹄,只因步步谨慎;人生一世少错误,重在警钟常鸣。   Horses do not lose their feet for thousands of miles, only because they are careful in their steps; there are few mistakes in life, and the important thing is that the alarm bell often rings.   看九州方圆,普天同庆,祖国遍地流芳;忆峥嵘岁月,出生入死,赢得红日东升。当谨记,永葆河山赤,需从严治党,激浊扬清树正气。   Look at Jiuzhou square circle, the whole world is celebrating, the motherland is flowing everywhere; remember the extraordinary years, life and death, and win the red sun. Keep in mind that we need to keep the rivers and mountains red, strictly govern the party, and lift the clouds and clear the trees.   清正廉洁的公仆,责任不推,工作不靠,办事不卡,俭约不贪,吃请不到,送礼不要,邪路不走,居功不傲,镜子常照。   Honest and honest public servant, no responsibility, no work, no work, no business card, no greed, no food, no gifts, no evil way, no pride in the work, always look in the mirror.   抽一包礼烟,烧掉的是烟丝,飘散的是功德;喝一瓶礼酒,咽下的是酒精,沉淀的是罪恶;收一份礼金,笑纳的是脏款,毁掉的是前程。   Smoke a pack of gift cigarettes, burn the tobacco, scatter the merit; drink a bottle of gift wine, swallow the alcohol, precipitate the crime; receive a gift, accept the dirty money, destroy the future.   贪:上今下贝,体胖难留今日之才;廉:外广内兼,心宽长存谦谦之意。   Greedy: up and down the shell, the body fat difficult to stay today's talent; incorruptible: the outside wide and the inside, the heart is wide and the heart is always modest.   守住廉洁自律根本底线,争当清廉务实模范表率。   Keep the bottom line of honesty and self-discipline, and strive to be a model of honesty and pragmati *** .   过千条河,不湿只履;理万两金,不沾分厘。   Cross a thousand rivers, not wet, but walk; manage ten thousand liang of gold, not touch Fen Li.   贪者胆战心惊食无味,廉者胸怀磊落寝自安。   Greedy people are scared and tasteless, honest people are willing to sleep.   知足之修成淡泊操守;自律之为扬清廉正气。   Self discipline is to promote integrity.   反腐其论事大小,倡廉不在位高低。   The anti-corruption theory is about the size of the matter, and the incorruption is not in place.   两袖清风,高枕无忧合家欢;贪赃枉法,夜不成寐妻离散。   Two sleeves of the breeze, carefree family happiness; corruption perverts the law, sleepless wife discrete.   讲诚信,树师德,正道方能心安;谈廉洁,扬正气,微处更应律己。   Only when we talk about honesty and morality, can we have peace of mind; when we talk about honesty and integrity, we should be more self disciplined.   清茶清水清静一生,清正清廉清白一世。   Tea is pure and quiet for a lifetime. It is pure and clean for a lifetime.   酒肉朋友交不得,花钱要你办事办不得,拉不下面子的事做不得。   You can't make friends with wine and meat. You can't do things when you spend money. You can't do things that don't earn face.   清风明月以廉从教,一身正气用爱育人。   We should be honest, honest, and loving.   一支笔一张图,一席江山笔下生;一份权一份责,一身正气摈四风。   One pen, one picture, one mountain, one right, one responsibility, one integrity, one spirit, one spirit, one spirit, one wind.   金钱来了挡得住,**来了忍得住,责任来了扛得住,困难来了顶得住,幸福生活必定留得住。   When money comes, it can hold back, when responsibility comes, when difficulties come, it can hold back, and when happiness comes, it can hold back.   谋事创业志未酬,谨把清廉记心头;做人自该严守诫,莫教贪欲误终生。   If you are not paid for your ambition to start a business, you should keep your integrity in mind; if you are a man, you should strictly observe the commandments and never teach greed to mistake your whole life.   村看村,户看户,群众看党员,党员看干部。上梁不正下梁歪。   Villages look at villages, households look at households, the masses look at Party members, and Party members look at cadres. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.   智者以别人惨痛的教训警示自己;愚者用自己沉重的代价唤醒别人。   A wise man warns himself with the painful lessons of others; a fool awakens others with his heavy price.   惩贪肃贿虽艰难,国法为后盾;渎职侵权逞一时,前面有深渊!   Although it is difficult to punish corruption and eliminate bribery, backed by the national law, there is an abyss ahead of us in the case of dereliction of duty and tort!   以史为镜以铭其身,以人为镜以正其身,以事为镜以警其身。   Take history as the mirror to mark its body, take people as the mirror to correct its body, and take things as the mirror to warn its body.   心系人民多廉洁,心系钱财腐败者。   Those who care about people's integrity and money corruption.   两袖清风身欲飘,杖藜随月步长桥。   Two sleeve breeze body wants to float, the staff Chenopodium follows the moon step long bridge.   党要管党丝毫不能松懈,从严治党一刻不能放松。   If the party wants to run the party, it must not relax at all. If it is to run the party strictly, it must not relax for a moment.   廉洁方能聚人,律己方能用人,自正方能带人,无私方能感人。   Integrity can bring people together, self-discipline can employ people, self righteousness can bring people, no private can move people.   做人德为上,做事民为先;做官依法办事,不贪不占是好官。   It is a good official to act in accordance with the law and not be greedy or occupy.   纳谏求贤,有容乃大;激浊扬清,无欲则刚。   If you are willing to accept advice and seek virtue, you will be generous; if you are willing to eliminate the vice, you will be strong.   君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。   A gentleman is honest and upright, but a villain often feels sad.   扬起理想的帆,把好廉洁的航。   Set up the ideal sail, and keep the honest voyage.   奉廉政旗帜,助凤凰腾飞。   Uphold the banner of integrity and help Phoenix fly.   公道来自公心,正派源于正气。   Justice comes from justice, and decency comes from righteousness.   同建廉政家园,共创和谐天下;拒绝贪污,支持廉洁**。   We will work together to build a clean and honest home and create a harmonious world. We will reject corruption and support integrity. 

