债权的英语翻译 债权用英语怎么说

2024-05-19 19:54

1. 债权的英语翻译 债权用英语怎么说


creditor's rights更多释义>>

债权  Law of obligations;claim;Obligatory right
债权国  creditor country;creditor nation;Creditor
债权融资  debt financing;creditor financing;debt capital financing

债权的英语翻译 债权用英语怎么说

2. 债务人的英语翻译 债务人用英语怎么说

debtor    英                                                                                                 [ˈdetə(r)]                                                                                                                                                                                                   美                                                                                                 [ˈdɛtɚ]                                                                                                                                                                                                   
n.                                                                                                                            债务人;                                                                                                                                                借方;                                                                                                                                                受恩人;                                                                                                                                                罪人;                                                                                          
[例句]Bank officials argued that it is not their job to chase down every asset of every bank debtor.
[其他]    复数:debtors

3. 关于债权出资的英文翻译

Creditor's rights investment has become an important part of the company's investment form since the promulgation of new "Company Law". With the development of national economy, soaring investment enthusiasm of people and widening investment channels, it is no longer rare to conduct investment in companies in the form of creditor's rights.  However, the creditor's rights investment is more risky than that of other properties, and there are many doubts due to its characteristics. This article intends to discuss the legal feasibility of creditor's rights investment in view of its theoretical and legal basis. In addition, this paper analyzes legal risks of creditor's rights investment in accordance with its featurs, and then finds out legal approaches to solve relevant problems, so as to improve the legal system of creditor's rights investment in China. 
Key words: Creditor's rights investment, legal risk, legal approach


4. 关于债权出资的英文翻译

The promulgation of《New Company Law makes the contribution by credit  an important content in the company contribution form. With the development of our national economy, people show great enthusiasm for investment, and the investment channels have been broaden. Company consisting of debt capital  is not a rare thing anymore. However,  creditor's right itself has the unique characteristic which make the capital contribution more risky and more questionable, when compared with the other property capital. In this article we will explore the feasibility of the law about the contribution by credit from its theoretical and legal basis. Combined with the characteristic of creditor's right,  we will also analysis the legal risks of the contribution by credit , and then find legal paths to resolve related issues and in the end to improve legal system of the contribution by credit  of our country.

5. 请将 债权投资 翻译成英语

investing of creditor或Investments in debt
The creditor's rights transferring is a system in our country "ContractLaw", which has promoted the creditor's rights circulation and encouraged investing of creditor.

请将 债权投资 翻译成英语